Sunday, November 21, 2010

dove "real beauty"

The intentions behind the program are in the right place, however, despite the positive video, it isn’t catchy enough, and the company has to increase the emotional connection to the advert so people are drawn into the video. They need to feel bad for society have pressured little girls and women that they have to portray a certain appearance to be able to find the romantic love that every little girls dreams about. In the video, girls aren’t confident with themselves. Its job is to help them feel good about themselves.

A basic need is the need to belong, either somewhere or with others so that we feel like we are a part of a group, uniting with those who are similar to you can lead to stereotyping. The decline of self confidence can lead people to hurt themselves or even to end one’s life. Although low self esteem is mainly found in girls, boys can suffer from low confidence; the fact is that we need to find a way to help the young generation love themselves.

Two and Half Men character analysis

main character
Jingle writer
real state
level of education
Dropped out of collage
middle school
n/a they never say
marital status
divorced twice
divorced 5 times
10 or 15
number of kids
0 that are known
1 sort of 2
unattractive and fat
body type
thin and weak
small and cuddy
personal characteristics
always eats
self centered
horrible person
pot head
Drunk/ alcoholic
easily manipulated
bad mother
musically talented
role of the character in narrative
innocent child
the comedian
impact of character in narrative
no impact

The TV show is about a broken family, the two brothers blame their mother Evelyn for their horrible childhood, primarily because she had 5 ex husbands. Each of them died somehow and she profited from their deaths. The brother Charlie got rich from writing little corny jingles for adverts he finds an easy way to make money and do nothing all day and sleep with women. The story gets complicated when his brother Allen gets a divorce and his wife kicks him out of the house and takes all his money, when this happens Charlie takes him in and has to grow up since Allen has a young son. Charlie has to change in order to create an appropriate environment for Allen’s son on the weekends. This analysis has shown me the real message behind the show which is that when there are people that admire you and are influenced by your character you have to make some changes to become a better role model. 

media stereotyping

Humans developed stereotype to find an understanding in a group of people rather than getting to know someone as an individual it is now labelled by race, gender, religion, class and sexual orientations. People have a strive to know everything and everybody just so they know a lot which is a part of being alive.I believe that people have the right to speak about their believes and encourage others to follow in your believe, because no one has the right in telling anyone what they can and can’t believe. I personally don't believe in a religion I am Gnostic which is the belief of a higher power but don't know which is the right religion. as people take believe to personally this is when things can get bad which violence and punishment by talking down the opposing religion this is why I believe that religion is ugly but the faith that people put towards there believes is beautiful.

I have picked Apu from the Simpsons. Apu is an Indian worker in the Kwik E mart, Apu’s character is based on the Indians stereotype which is that Indians always open up corner shops such as the Kwik E mart, another thing that the stereotype is taking is the fact that Indian family are larger than the average western families were Apu had octuplets (8 babies at once like a twin by 8). The character of Apu is that he is religious and that he is a vegetarian which a lot of Hindu religions are vegetarians or can’t eat a certain meat such as cow.  

the TiVo effect

a.     What information is being sought by advertisers and television industries?
Companies of the television industries have the same common interest which are to measure views of shows watched on digital video recorders. This allows them to increase costs of play time on TV for ads during or in between of highly watched programs and movies that are being recorded, which can then be watched again later.

b. Why might advertisers and television programmers want to know which commercials viewers watch and/or skip?
The advertisers and television programmers want to know which of the commercials are being watched to understand which have the highest number of views and skips. This is a very vital point because there are 20,000 TiVo users who normally have more than one box in the house. therefore the record + re-watch rates of commercials increase since the commercials are set and cant be changed.. This also indicates television organizers which commercials are a success and which types of ads were not as effective.

c. Why might TiVo be uniquely able to provide this data?
TiVo is uniquely able to provide this data by monitoring the amount of shows and movies being recorded. TiVo is the only system  that monitors what the TV viewers want and increases their demand by hits.

d. What are some examples of consumer packaged goods?
An example of consumer packaged good is that animal related programs were skipped less often than usual. This means that it's most of the underage children that are watching those times so it would be smarter to place children related adverts during that time span.

e. How does TiVo profit from selling data about its consumers' viewing behaviors?
TiVo profits from selling their consumers viewing behaviors which shows the programs and commercials that viewers like and want. By increasing the demand, more people would want to buy TiVo’s product since it accommodating individual  personal choice and an increase of common interests.
f. How has digital video recording technology affected advertisers and viewers?
The digital video recording technology affects advertisers and views by having increased the number of ads being watched due to the recording, even though if the ad is skipped you are still seeing the ads but in fast motion, the video still gets stuck in your head and now when the ad comes again the consumer is curious about what the ad looked like originally. This function that a TV can have would also affect other company lose money like the movie industries looses movie when a movie is recorded rather than bought.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

exposure to advertising

-          Coca cola
-          Fanta
-          Dc
-          Gators
-          Wbais logo
-          McDonalds
-          Hp
-          Packard bell
-          IBM
-          Bezeq
-          Orange
-          Celcom
-          Element
-          Face book
-          Circa
-          Reef
-          Nike
-          Adidas
-          New era
-          Kinley
-          Castro
-          max Brenner
-          apple
-          creative
-          Google
-          Marlboro
-          Camel
-          Clipper
The coca cola ad was on the sides of the coca cola truck which was delivering drinks. The ad was a big glass bottle of coke which look refreshing which condensation which added the cold effect. The ad is very explicit especially with the bright red background that catches the eye. the ad is targeting a thirsty people whom might want a drink that crunches thirst .  

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

tuesday 21st september

on a school day i had encountered many different types of media:
·         -haaretz
·         apple logo and products
·         hp computers logo
·         vodka commercial
·         nike logo
·         Toshiba
·         Oral transmission of daily news
·         TV commercials
·         WBAIS logo on tshirts
I think that one would see more media on a school day as many people wear different clothing brands, how people are affected by the media every day. I believe that media is greatly affected on a school day as the “cool kids” wear or use such and such. This would create a false image of a certain product, for example Nike shoes are considered cool. If I don’t wear Nike shoes I am not cool. I have noticed that even though you don’t want to be in the “ingroup” one would still buy the product as humans feel safer and more comfortable when they fit in to a belonging of similarities.    

Friday, September 3, 2010

who owns the media

The media is a huge wide range of sources of information and advertisement. The media is nowadays owned by anyone with a computer who can access the internet. The fact that majority of people these days have a camera phone and video tape crazy phenomenon in front them and upload it. Not only do camera phones add to the media these days you can create your own mixtapes and upload it for other people to listen, not only is there camera phones and mixtapes you can create photos, business online and many other amazing things online. Facebook, MySpace, Flicker, Tumblr, and many other more website which allow you to create a page this allows you to advertise all the media that you consume and admire.