a. What information is being sought by advertisers and television industries? Companies of the television industries have the same common interest which are to measure views of shows watched on digital video recorders. This allows them to increase costs of play time on TV for ads during or in between of highly watched programs and movies that are being recorded, which can then be watched again later.
b. Why might advertisers and television programmers want to know which commercials viewers watch and/or skip?
The advertisers and television programmers want to know which of the commercials are being watched to understand which have the highest number of views and skips. This is a very vital point because there are 20,000 TiVo users who normally have more than one box in the house. therefore the record + re-watch rates of commercials increase since the commercials are set and cant be changed.. This also indicates television organizers which commercials are a success and which types of ads were not as effective.
c. Why might TiVo be uniquely able to provide this data?
TiVo is uniquely able to provide this data by monitoring the amount of shows and movies being recorded. TiVo is the only system that monitors what the TV viewers want and increases their demand by hits.
d. What are some examples of consumer packaged goods?
An example of consumer packaged good is that animal related programs were skipped less often than usual. This means that it's most of the underage children that are watching those times so it would be smarter to place children related adverts during that time span.
e. How does TiVo profit from selling data about its consumers' viewing behaviors?
TiVo profits from selling their consumers viewing behaviors which shows the programs and commercials that viewers like and want. By increasing the demand, more people would want to buy TiVo’s product since it accommodating individual personal choice and an increase of common interests.
f. How has digital video recording technology affected advertisers and viewers?
The digital video recording technology affects advertisers and views by having increased the number of ads being watched due to the recording, even though if the ad is skipped you are still seeing the ads but in fast motion, the video still gets stuck in your head and now when the ad comes again the consumer is curious about what the ad looked like originally. This function that a TV can have would also affect other company lose money like the movie industries looses movie when a movie is recorded rather than bought.